Sunday, January 6, 2013

Hotel life in downtown Madrid

Hotel Regina, Madrid

For our first night in Spain, API had us stay at the Hotel Regina in downtown Madrid, just off La Plaza del Sol, which is essentially the Times Square of New York. I shared a room with my current roommate, Patty, and our room was incredible. This was possibly the nicest hotel that I have ever even entered.

La Plaza del Sol

La Plaze del Sol is the main strip in Madrid, Spain. "Sol" literally translates to sun, and as a sun is the center of the universe, this is the center of Madrid.

Frozen artist in Madrid

It is very, VERY common, as it is in most US cities, to have people on the street trying to make money. There are many people, particularly men, in downtown Madrid, that will paint their entire bodies and freeze like they are a statue and then hold these poses for a VERY long time. They do not even blink. They make their money on tips and it is customary to leave them a euro if you wish to a take a picture of them. Some are quite terrifying looking, others are cute or just all-around impressive.

Side street off of "El Sol"

The weather in Madrid is much more mild weather than even I am used to. With a winter coat, I am not cold walking around the streets because its usually around 50 degrees (Fahrenheit) during the days, it will be cold and around freezing in the nights and mornings, but this is to be expected in the winter time. I love the winter weather!

Clothing Rebajas

Purse Rebajas

Currently in Spain, there is a huge sale city-wide called "Las Rebajas" where they have unbelievable sales. Typically the sales start a few days after "Los Reyes" on January 6th, but due to the "crisis" economically of the country, this year these sales started a week early. These sales last until around early February, and get progressively better while the selection gets progressively worse. Apparently the sales are already amazing, and this is due to the VERY weak economy. Looks like a great time to go clothes shopping...

La Plaza del Sol: at night

Despite what one would believe, Madrid actually gets even more beautiful at night! It is absolutely gorgeous during the day, but it is breathtaking at night with all the streets decked out in lights for the current holiday. Above I am standing in front of a GIANT Christmas tree in the center of Madrid. Because many people exchange gifts on January 6th, I arrived while everyone is shopping, therefore the city is even more packed than it is normally.

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