of new and used goods.
As a history note, wikipedia filled me in on the origin of the name: El Rastro means "the trail". The market probably owes its name to the tanneries that were once located in Ribera de Curtidores (Ribera de Curtidores means 'riverside of tanners'). Close by, on the banks of the Manzanares River, was an abattoir. Transporting the slaughtered cattle from the abattoir to the tannery left a trail (rastro) of blood along the street.[1] An alternative etymology suggests el Rastro once meant "outside", referring to the fact el Rastro was once outside the jurisdiction of the mayor's court.
This world-renowned flea market, which dates back to medieval times, stretches around Plaza de Cascorro and Ribera de Curtidores, between Calle Embajadores and the Ronda de Toledo (just south of La Latina metro station). And then it continues down side-streets, where treasures can be found, into an endless view of booths. Local antique furniture stores and restaurants along the street open during this time as well. The streets are PACKED. To the point where its almost too difficult to shop in some areas.
"Restaurante Friend Chicken"
Old news articles: "Franco has died!"
Spain is just gorgeous everywhere you look
Every Spaniard I know warned us of the pick-pocketers that are found at El Rastro, so apparently it is a HUGE problem. In those kinds of crowds, I do not doubt it, especially because El Rastro attracts tourists just as it attracts locals. Going along with this, as my current purse is safe, its also bulky, so I found this gem at El Rastro. It has a flap over the zippered bag complete with a secret zipper area in the back which is perfect for a wallet.
Brown= matches just about everything
Best place for a wallet
Typical Tapas Bar
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